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I'm a well train ancient way exorcist. Which have been in this trade going around Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia for the past 20 years . 
Mostly helping out victims that was cursed by black magic, possessed by evil spirit , and many many more and below are all the descriptions as follow:-

1.Exorcism could be done regardless of religions.


2.A antecedent way of performing exorcism


3.Even until today Scientist cannot fully approve this hypothesis of the super natural, more specifically, demons, that therefore the postulated.


4.Evil is illogical, insane,hurtful,tempting,deadly, and the only thing it wants to do is by entertaining itself with your suffering.


5.Ancient Powerful Remedies.

6.The worst curse might require interruption from a spiritual healer. 


7.Black magic can be used to curse harm/hurt people by performing rituals anywhere in the world. The effect of this ritual can be felt thousands of miles away. With the increase of jealously,frustration,greed,selfishness,negativity and in ability to accept others happiness and growth. The black magic has become the most common/easy way to harm and hurt people.


8.Black magic can really endanger the life of the target person by destroying any aspect of life may it be career/business or wealth/prosperity. Creating family problems or unnecessary tensions/phobias,adversely,affecting child and family members,creating chronic health problems,destroying mental peace,intelligence and happiness,cause inner turmoil,unrest and uncharacteristic/abnormal behavior and even cause unnatural deaths in extreme circumstances


9.Have you been cursed or hexed by someone playing with black magic?


10.The effects of black magic became more chronic,dangerous and fatal with time if untreated, such as a horrible disease. It will start spreading like a contagious disease,affecting the person's mind,brain,body,relationship,attitudes,work,money,marriage,career and everything in the life span. 

 11.What are the symptoms of Black magic and what changes could it cause in your life span.

★ Keep in mind that most spells of black magic are made for specific purposes. There are many different symptoms of Black magic. Every individual is affected differently.

12.Symptoms of black magic you may feel:

★Losing or gaining extreme amounts of weight for no reason-Terrible

★Headaches, Blindness- Eye's turning into a gray color-Depression

★Insomnia-seizures-Bad luck,

★Pimple all over the body that have bad smell

★Nightmares-very bad breath all the time-body odor-excessive fear-bad health- anger and emotional imbalance- preventing a woman to get pregnant-miscarriage on one or repeated occasions-blacking a woman's monthly cycle - preventing a man to impregnate a woman.



★Destroying someone's career- afraid to leave the house-leaving the country for no reason-destroying a marriage or breaking a relationship.

★blacked income-death by kidney failure,heart attack,stroke-suicide-indulging and alcohol,drugs violence and unhealthy sex -bad luck with everything such as being at home,business,money, and a will for no reason-Frequent accidents-controlling someone's mind for sex

★On top of the symptoms of black magic and causes you can experience: feeling someone breathing next to you while you are sleeping-hearing whispers-paranormal activity. Hearing someone calling your name-feeling of being raped in dreams-seeing shadows around you and seeing it at the corner of your eyes. Fragrance smell around you that you might not be familiar with.

14. A spiritual healer is someone born with a gift from god that has been given special capabilities.


15.As the name sufficiently indicates, demonology is the science of doctrine concerning demons. Both in its from and in its meaning it has an obvious analogy with theology, which is the science or doctrine about god. and with reference to the many false and dangerous forms of this demonic science we many fitly adapt the well-known words of Alnertis Magnus on the subject of demonology, A daemonibus docetur, de daemonibus docet, et ad daemonnes ducit "it is taught by the demons, it teacher about the demons, and it leads to mthe demons"

在现在两千年代里.多数的人都过着 舒适和繁荣的生活。 却忘了 人性 的字怎么写 高傲嚣张 自以为是 。导致 人与人之间的不满 而 报复寻仇 。如现代的人所说 死了就算了  但是往往 报复 的人请了巫师 不会让你轻易的死去 而且会慢慢的折磨你到死。 在医学角度里 无论 你去身体检查和扫描 根本查不出病情的原因 而且会渐渐的枯瘦。
所以请回头是岸 不要再造不必要的业障 。
本人所有拍摄的照片或 录像 是真实的东西 真枪实弹 不是靠着穿着师傅 的衣服在哪 说东说西就可以 解决 的。 千万不要 模仿, 否则后果自负。
正所谓 在这现代两千年 因为多数的人都受英文教育 所以只相信  医学上的发达 所以就让这些巫师有机可乘。

For more information, TianLongWangOfficial Page on facebook and for professional portfolio


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